dead jazzmaster
dead jazzmaster
i swore i would make it real
keep me from flushing it all away
dead jazzmaster
your old town was as beautiful as ever
big & easy
fuck fema
i even fed some flowers with my own distress
at 5 in the morning
in garden district
i gave them some evil liquor i had swallowed
my dear dead jazzmaster
the swamp girl from baton rouge said it was real
we'll make it real
i swear
menudo tio, de aqui para alla y volver y girar y voltereta que te vi... dejate de viajes y echa raices, or no.
Probaste sofas suecos y galletitas de frambuesa escandinava? te lo dije chiquitin, lo tuyo es el bricolage, gege-remiah
hay mapache para rato
ay! neron y su maletin...y como dice la popular melodia del brasil,,,
"canada, canadaaaaaaa, canadaaa te quiero, baila, baila......"
traeme un Egon, pero esta vez no lo dejes en manos extrañas, bon viatje
what a wonderful lapida
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